Rimon Guimarães
Country: Brazil
Follow: @rimonguimaraes
Rimon Guimarães, born in Curitiba in 1988, is a self-taught multidisciplinary artist who seeks to transmute space-time through experience, travel, and cultural exchanges, producing works that dialogue with the accessibility of information and contemporary media, such as large-scale murals, paintings, drawings, engravings, photographs, videos, installations, performances, compositions, and audio.
He has carried out work in countries such as Gambia, Malaysia, Italy, the Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, the USA, Argentina, and Brazil, among others.
"The mural title is Utopian Island. In this work, the main character is a pregnant woman, which symbolises life, the future, etc. This image can be connected with everyone because everybody is born from a pregnant mother."